Don’t Let Damaged Siding Hurt Your Curb Appeal

Hire our siding contractor in Escondido, CA

Damaged siding and fascia can do a number on your curb appeal and make your property look less inviting. If you’re ready to resolve issues that hurt your curb appeal, turn to the siding contractor at Santinos A+ Handyman Service. We provide siding and fascia repair services in Escondido, CA.

We’ll make sure the areas that are repaired are primed and painted to match the existing finish. Reach out to us today to schedule siding or fascia repair services.

How our repair process works

Our siding contractor begins by inspecting the siding and fascia on-site to assess the extent of the damage.

From there, damaged siding or fascia boards are carefully removed and replaced with new ones. We also address any underlying issues, such as rot or water damage, and ensure proper sealing to prevent future problems.

Turn to Santinos A+ Handyman Service for top-quality siding and fascia services in Escondido, CA.

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